Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Deep Dish Peanut Butter Pie with Chocolate Covered Pretzel Crust

Okay, that salad has been on the top of the page for long enough. Bring on the calories.

And because I've left you with nothing but a little salad for a whole week, I think you can justify eating a sliver or twenty of peanut butter pie. You probably won't even gain an ounce. Simple math. 

I'm sure all of you have made a peanut butter pie before (....right???), but the really fun part of this one is the crust. I mean, I've done a chocolate covered crust before, but chocolate covered pretzel crust? Now that's true brilliance, if I do say so myself.

Oh, and then there's the Reese's cups. That's really the part I'm the most interested in. Those mini ones... they're just so cute. And they're so small that you can eat approximately a bajillion of them! Thank goodness for my math skills.

There are a couple options to consider when you make this pie. 

1. Pan size: I think this would fill a regular pie pan well. You would just want to cut the amount of crust down by about half and you won't be able to put so much whipped cream on top. 

2. Crust: If you want to be boring you can use graham crackers or oreos instead of pretzels. Just replace the same amount of crumbs in the recipe. You could also use a store bought crust if you're feeling really lazy. 

Deep Dish Peanut Butter Pie with Chocolate Covered Pretzel Crust

6 cups pretzels, crushed well (about 3 cups of crumbs)
1 1/2 sticks (3/4 cup) melted butter
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1 cup milk chocolate chips

2/3 cup peanut butter
8 ounces softened cream cheese
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups powdered sugar
2 cups heavy whipping cream, whipped (or about 4 cups of whipped cream or cool whip)

Reese's Peanut Butter Cups for topping

Preheat oven to 350ºF. Combine the pretzel crumbs, butter, and sugar. Press firmly into a springform pan, pressing all the way up the edges. Use the bottom of a glass to press it very firmly into the bottom. Bake for about 10 minutes, then sprinkle the bottom with the chocolate chips and bake five minutes more. Spread the melted chocolate chips with a spoon or offset spatula. Allow to cool completely before filling.

Beat together the peanut butter, cream cheese, vanilla, and powdered sugar. Whisk in about 1/2 cup of the whipped cream to lighten and then gently fold in 1 1/2 more cups of the whipped cream (this should leave you with two cups of whipped cream for the top). Pour the filling into the cooled crust. Lightly sweeten the remaining whipped cream (whisk in maybe about 1/4 cup powdered sugar) and spread onto the top. Top with Reese's Cups if desired. This can be frozen or refrigerated until you want to eat it (a lot of people in my family like it frozen, but it's up to you!).

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  1. sounds delic. my husband loves peanut butter anything so i am going to make this for Father's Day. can you tell me what a springform pan is please?

  2. I have made this pie, its to die for and take her advice eat it frozen!!! Thanks so much for the post

  3. I am making for my son hes not two yet and can find a recess peanut butter cup anywhere lol

  4. I'm not sure if my girl made this incorrectly, but it was absolutely horrible, sadly. It was way too salty, especially with the addition of the pretzel crust. It was literally inedible. I was only able to eat a few bites of it before it was just far too much.
