Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Hawaiian Sweet Rolls {The Fluffiest Rolls I've Ever Made}

Sooo, this post was actually going to happen last night, but... I got a little distracted. Of course, it started with the usual exploration of Pinterest, but somehow it ended up at this wonderful website. Let's just say seven-year-old Yammie would have considered this glittering princess paradise her very own heaven on earth. And the current twenty-year-old Yammie? She may or may not have been up till two in the morning designing a kadrillion or so Disney princesses.

So. Fun.

Anyways, I did actually make you some food. Hawaiian sweet rolls to be exact. They are literally the fluffiest rolls I ever made. Of course, I didn't actually eat any since I'm still eating gluten-free, but the smell and the feel is enough for me. I was thinking about just hoarding all of them so I could use them for a pillow. Waking up with my face caked in butter might have been worth it. I caved in and shared though. According to the fam, they tasted fab. Fluffy, sweet, and subtly Hawaiian thanks to a secret ingredient.

Yep. Crushed pineapple. Don't you dare drain it.

The other secret for fluffy rolls is patience. You've got to let them double in size.

It depends on the temperature of your house and stuff, but it took about an hour for mine. Just trust your instincts. 

There. Now they're ready to bake. Make sure you brush them with an egg wash so they come out nice and golden brown.

Look at those babies. I could have taken a million pictures of them.

Instead, I only took a million and five.

Also... I'm not usually one for gifs, but I wanted you to see how nice these pull apart.

Are those tears of joy I see streaming down your face?

Hawaiian Sweet Rolls 

1/3 cup milk (cold is fine, warm would help it rise faster)
1 scant tablespoon instant dry yeast
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup olive oil
1/4  cup (1/2 stick) butter, melted and slightly cooled
2 large eggs, lightly beaten
An 8 oz. can crushed pineapple, NOT drained (about 2/3 cup)
4 cups bread flour (all-purpose would also work)
1 teaspoon salt

For the tops:
1 egg
1/4 cup water
A few tablespoons melted butter

Mix together the milk and yeast. Let it sit for about 5 minutes. Add the oil, butter, sugar, eggs, and pineapple and mix to combine. Add the flour about 1/2 cup at a time, mixing well after each addition. Add a little more if you need to. It should be sticky, but not gooey. Add the salt. Knead for about 10 minutes by hand or in a stand mixer with a dough hook. Cover with a damp cloth (or grease the top) and let rise until doubled (somewhere around 45-60 minutes). Punch the dough down and divide into twelve equal balls. Place in a well buttered 9x13 inch pan and let rise again until doubled (again, 45-60 minutes). Preheat oven to 350ºF. Beat together the egg and water for the top and brush the tops of the risen rolls with the egg wash. Bake for about 25 minutes or until the tops are nicely browned. Brush the top with some melted butter and serve warm.

And as always, don't forget to follow on Facebook and Twitter!


  1. Hello! These look so amazing and exactly what I was trying to find in recreating hawaiian rolls. I tried them this weekend and wondered if you used a certain brand of olive oil... the flavor was so overpowering in my rolls that it covered up all the sweetness and was all you could taste. Could I substitute 1/4 c. veg oil as another option? Thanks!

    1. I would probably use extra light olive oil which is more mild than virgin. You can use veg oil if you want though.

  2. Hello yammie! Is it ok if i will not put pineapple? Thank you!

  3. Hi! I found you through pinterest. I made these rolls tonight and I loved the flavor!! Mine were kinda dense though. Do you think I let them knead too long? I let them knead in my mixer for 10 minutes.

  4. Do you think I could do this in my bread machine? The mixing and rising, not baking.

    1. I followed your recipe exact and my dough failed to rise in the bowl or as rolls in the oven. Next time I will add the sugar to the milk and yeast mixture and see if that helps.

    2. My dough came out really wet and sticky. So I added about a cup and a half more flour, but my dough was still sticky. I wish there was a photo of how the dough is supposed to look like.

    3. Of course you can! Greetings from Bulgaria. Many thanks for the recipe, Yammie!
      I mix milk, sugar, olive oil, butter, eggs, crushed pineapple and salt in shaker, then put this shake in bread machine, put the flour, 1 t.s. instant dry yeast and 1 t.s. sugar, and Voila – perfect dough (only mix and rise of course).

  5. I followed the recipe to the t and they were sooooo good! I just made them for our 4th of July bbq and they were gone in a heartbeat!

  6. My kids and I are going to make these right now I shall let y'all know how it goes they look super delicious even my 8 year old says they look better than the store ones ;)

  7. My rolls were soft and tasty, but became hard and dry the next day. I baked them in my cake tin and the bottom of the buns were very dark. Could you please tell me why

    1. Baking in a tin increases the amount of heat applied to the bottom of the roll. Try using a glass dish next time, it disperses heart better and dies not get as hot.

  8. Hi Yammie!
    I see that you have instant yeast in the recipe, which is the same as rapid rise but you let the dough rise twice. Did you mean dry active yeast? I know that rapid rose eliminates the second rise so I got a little confused.

    1. I made these a long time ago, so I'm not positive, but you're probably right. I'll change it in the recipe.

  9. Have you ever made these and let them prove overnight in the fridge? I used rapid yeast and faced the dilemma of staying up to bake for Thanksgiving or sticking them in the fridge and doing them tomorrow. Thoughts?
