Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Oreo Dessert

Also known as Theeeeeeee Oreo Dessert. This is another one of those classics I'm ashamed that I haven't shared with you yet. I really don't know how you've gotten by without it for so long. But seriously, you guys need to give me a break. I am on vacation after all.

There's a picture I took of the sunset here in Florida. Ain't it purty? But even better than the watercolor sky is the little group of random people watching the sunset from the beach. I encourage you to click on the photo and zoom up to inspect it closer and you will see one guy standing with his legs a mile apart and his hands on his hips dramatically surveying the exodus of the sun. Dude, if you're out there, please just know that I truly appreciate your style. Thank you for making this picture a little awesomer.

But, let's get back to the important stuff. Oreos. 

I even downloaded an Oreo font for you. Now that's love.

So anywho, this is really a staple round these parts. Sometimes we make it in a 9x13 inch pan, sometimes we layer it up in a big bowl, sometimes we even do it in the lid of a pan (see exhibit A). You can even layer it in individual serving glasses if you want to be really sophisticated.

Now, I'm sure you've come across some kind of Oreo Dessert before. Sometimes it's just vanilla pudding  lightened with some cool whip with some Oreos folded in, sometimes it has chocolate pudding instead of vanilla (SACRILEGE!), and sometimes there is not a trace of cream cheese to be found (FOR SHAME!).

No, in my humble opinion, there is only one way to make Oreo Dessert. Butter and Oreos for the crust, then some cream cheese mixed with sugar and fluffed up with some whipped cream, and some good old instant vanilla pudding. Or if you want to be really classy you could whip up some vanilla bean custard in place of the pudding. I've never been so classy, but it's the thought that counts, eh?

P.S. I have a secret. Sometimes I double the Oreo layer and use TWO packages of Oreos. I know, I'm horrible. But I do make a mean Oreo dessert.

The Oreo Dessert

1 packages of Oreos
6 tablespoons melted butter
2 tablespoons sugar
2 8-oz. packages of softened cream cheese
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 small packs of instant vanilla pudding mix
3 1/2 cups cold milkAbout 3 cups whipped cream (12 oz. cool whip or about 1+1/2 cups heavy cream, whipped)

Layer One: Crush the Oreos (leaving some big chunks). Set about 1/4 of them aside for the top. Mix the rest with the melted butter and 2 tablespoons of sugar. Set aside.

Layer Two: Beat the cream cheese, 1 cup of sugar, and vanilla until the sugar is dissolved. Fold in about two cups of the whipped cream, setting aside one cup of the whipped cream for the top.

Layer Three: Beat the milk and pudding mix for a few minutes until thickened and set aside. 

If using a 9x13 pan, put the oreo/butter layer on the bottom, layer with the cream cheese mixture, then the pudding, then top with remaining whipped cream and Oreos. If using a bowl, you can just layer it as many times as you want until you run out of stuff. Chill before serving.

Note: You can fold the one reserved cup of whipped cream into the pudding for a fluffier, creamier pudding. If you do that, make sure you layer the cream cheese mixture on the top.

 Don't forget to follow on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter!


  1. You should do apple pie baked in apples, tweak it to your perfections, then post that!

  2. Do you not read your comments

    1. I just have trouble replying to all of them!
