Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Buckeye Brownies

Guys, I love buckeyes. There are very few things that can surpass their fabulousness. If you disagree, you should turn back now. Our taste-buds are simply not compatible and this friendship can go no further.

Oh good. You're still here. I guess we can be friends after all. Or maybe that big glob of shiny, melted chocolate just grabbed your attention. That was just a bit of extra from the top layer. I couldn't resist.

When I was taking photos of these, Boots insisted upon being my assistant. He is a very good little helper. He takes great pride in his creativity with props.

Even if the props include himself...

At all kinds of beautiful and flattering angles...

He is also a top notch photographer himself, as you may recall. Here's his photo of the brownies:

Of course, you probably think I'm the only one benefiting from this arrangement. This simply is not true. In exchange for my little brother sharing with me all of his photography tips, I occasionally help him with his schoolwork. But as you know, seven-year-old boys can get very distracted when it comes to doing math. They tend to do naughty things like draw an Eye of Sauron for every answer.

On one such occasion I declared to my young apprentice, "Boots, if you aren't good, Dad is going to have to help you instead, and that will NOT be fun."

At that very moment, Dad, who had been using the computer in the same room, suddenly walked up and left, not hearing my ferocious threat.

Boots looked up from his scribbled up math worksheet, "Guess he went to get his mad eyebrows on."

Hardy har. Very funny. 

But anywho, about the brownies. I used these flourless brownies but you could also these deliciously fat fudge brownies, or even a box mix if you wish. They're your brownies, do with them as you please.

Buckeye Brownies

One batch of baked brownies in a 9x13 inch pan
1/2 cup (1 stick) softened butter
2/3 cup creamy peanut butter
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/8 teaspoon salt
2 cups powdered sugar
1-3 tablespoons milk
1 1/2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips

Beat together the butter and peanut butter until smooth. Beat in the vanilla and salt. Alternately add the milk and powdered sugar, beating well after each addition. If it's too thin, add powdered sugar, if it's too thick, add some milk (I kept mine pretty thick so I could spread the chocolate on easier, I only needed 1 1/2 tablespoons of milk). Throw them in the freezer for about fifteen minutes or so while you melt the chocolate. To melt the chocolate place the chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl and turn the microwave power to about 20%. Stir them every 45 seconds or so until smooth. Spread the chocolate over the brownies. Allow the chocolate to harden before cutting (I just threw them back in the freezer).

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