Sunday, July 29, 2012

S'more Brownies

You might think this is a little random, but I LOVE DINOSAURS. So much. I mean, how can something be so cool and so freaky at the same time. They're just so big and scary and mysterious and awe inspiring. I love things like that. You know, like icebergs. And God.

Seriously, is no one else afraid of icebergs? They're my biggest fear after kittens and doctor appointments.

Anywho, today I was chilling on the porch with my sibs like usual, talking about how cool it would be if dinosaurs still roamed the Earth. I mean, think of how different life would be. The news would be like, "A pack of raptors has been spotted in lower Michigan, so please carry a machine gun with you at all times to ensure your safety." or "We are currently in a t-rex watch, school has been temporarily cancelled in this county" or "traffic was blocked for eight hours on I-75 today due to the migration of a herd of stegosauruses". And then instead of "Hey guys wanna do something really boring like go sit in a parking lot to people-watch and eat Frostys like we usually do?" it would be "Hey guys, wanna go ride on my new LONG NECK? I named it Little Foot even though it's foot is pretty much BIGGER THAN THE TITANIC."

Anyone catch that Land Before Time reference? No? Okay. Whatever. 

But anyways, instead of dinosaurs, the news is "It's really hot outside. Like really hot. And it's a good thing you have news reporters like us to tell you these things because you probably couldn't figure stuff like that out for yourselves. And by the way, dinosaurs are extinct so we pretty much never have anything remotely interesting to tell you."

Bad thing about it being so hot out? You don't really feel like burning your eyeballs out roasting marshmallows by an open fire. So why not make s'mores inside? And while we're at it, let's hit two pterodactyls with one stone and make our brownies at the same time! A buttery graham cracker crust, brownies flecked with chunks Hershey bars, and toasted marshmallows on top. So what if you have to turn on the oven. These are worth it. Besides, it's been cooler out for the past couple days anyways. I mean, now that 88ยบ is considered cool. That's sweatshirt weather these days. Get with the program.

S'more Brownies

3 cups graham cracker crumbs  (about 2 packages crushed graham crackers)
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 sticks butter (1 cup), melted

A box mix or my favorite recipe of brownies (enough for a 9x13 inch pan)
6 Hershey Bars
1 bag marshmallows

Combine the graham cracker crumbs, brown sugar, and butter. Press firmly into the bottom of a 9x13 inch pan. Put in the freezer while you prepare the brownies.
When you make the brownies, omit chocolate chips and add the Hershey bars instead. You'll want to chop them up so they're in small chunks. Pour the batter over the chilled crust. Bake according to directions, but take them out 10 minutes before they're done and line the entire surface with marshmallows (you probably won't need the entire bag). Return to the oven and continue baking for the remaining 10 minutes.

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1 comment:

  1. You're the best ever. LAND BEFORE TIME. and I bought dinosaur coloring books yesterday... I'm 17. They're awesome!
