Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Microwave Caramel Corn with White and Dark Chocolate and Pecans

Microwave caramel corn. Seems to be too good to be true.

But it's truuuuuee.

It's Grandma's recipe. Obviously. As if I could ever create something this amazing on my own. It's super easy. It's made entirely in the microwave and it comes out perfectly crunchy and delicious every time. Definitely the best I've ever had. And I've had a lot.

So if you've always been to afraid to make homemade caramel corn, now is the time to stop being afraid. Ten minutes. One dirty dish. One dirty spoon. The best caramel corn you've ever had. Right now.

I only changed Grandma's recipe in a couple ways.
1. I stir ever 30 seconds. I don't know if my microwave is more powerful or what, but for some reason I cannot get away with only stirring ever minute.
2. I drizzled on white chocolate and dark chocolate at the end to mimic my favorite ever caramel corn we get from this dude every year for Christmas. I also added some toasted pecans for good measure. Yum. Have fun.

Microwave Caramel Corn with White and Dark chocolate and Pecans

2 bags microwave popcorn (I always use Act II butter lovers)
1 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup pancake syrup (you know, the fake stuff)
1 stick butter (you know, the real stuff)
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 cup semi-sweet baking chocolate, melted
3/4 cup white baking chocolate, melted
3/4 cup pecans

Pop the microwave popcorn and put them in a brown paper grocery bag. You can cut about six inches off the top of the bag so it will be easier to reach in and stir later on.

Slice up the butter. Combine the butter, syrup, and sugar in a glass 4 cup measuring cup.
Microwave 5 minutes, stirring well every thirty seconds.
Add the vanilla and soda and stir well until it's all freaky and foamy, like this.

Pour it over the popcorn in the bag. Stir it really, really well. You don't want to have any clumps of caramel or they will burn. (Grandma's notes: BE VERY CAREFUL NOT TO GET THE SYRUP ON YOUR HANDS AS YOU STIR AS IT IS VERY HOT)
Roll up the top of  the grocery bag and microwave 3 minutes stirring very well every thirty seconds. If you don't stir it well, it's gonna burn.
Pour out onto a large greased piece of foil or parchment paper. Spread it out so it doesn't harden in huge clumps. Pick out any stray kernels that never popped. Add the pecans and drizzle on the chocolates. Allow the chocolate to harden before serving.

Sorry I keep telling you gross stories all the time. I will try to be better next time.

1 comment:

  1. Yammie! Your search button doesn't seem to be working! The only way I could find this recipe was by scrolling through the little avatars.
